Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Online Hotel Management System Documentation

Online hotel management system project is visual basic web application which is useful for hotels for managing tasks like updating hotels information, managing customers reports, generating reports..etc

Project Synopsis:

In existing system users can only book tickets after reaching to that location there is need of manual presence which is not efficient method. In order to improve scope of hotel business this online hotel management system will be useful .

We provide full project source code in vb.net and project report with presentation.

Download code from below link

Online Hotel Management System

Friday, 26 April 2013

Online Examination System Project Source Code

Online examination system project design details covers how to design web application through which users can take mock tests and view scores in the form of reports.
This project is designed in java programming language using mysql database.
Download full source code from below link with project report and paper presentation.

Online Examination System

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Online Video Streaming Project

Online video streaming project is a computer science project developed in php programming language. Main objective of this project is to provide a simple web site for uploading videos and registering account.
This project is useful for understanding how to design video streaming site like youtube metacafe.

Download full project source code from below link.

Online Video Streaming Project in PHP

Sunday, 21 April 2013

School Survey project in PHP

Project titled " school survey" is a simple php web based application which is useful for schools and universities which is used for analyzing various survey reports in the form of digital images. This project will reduce manual work and paper work and data is secured and data is managed in database.

We provide full project source code in php for free download.

download code form below download link.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Crime Information Management System

 Crime information management system project is specially designed by considering issues in existing method used in police department for handling criminal details. This software script is integrated with attendance management system, payroll management system software.

Advantages of Project:
Details of criminals, employees, fir details are stored in database.
Man power is reduced and time required for finding old records is easy.
Better way to communicate and send information between other stations.

Download full source code from below link.

Crime Information Management System

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Cake Ordering System Project in Vb.net

Cake order system project is a management software used in bakery's for organizing customers orders, sales, payment details, report generation..etc

We designed this application using vb.net programming language as front end and mysql server as database for back end.

Advantages of this system are it will reduce manual work, increase customer support and fast way of taking and giving orders and managing customer information in database.

Download full source code from below link.

Cake Ordering System Project

Ticket Management System

Ticket management system project is a computer science project implemented in visual basic programming language (vb.net). Main objective of this software is to design user friendly software for issuing tickets in bus through electronics machine.

Details of routs, and cost of tickets are provided in database which are used for giving tickets and details of tickets are stored in database which are used for calculating daily revenue.

Download full project source code from below download link.

Ticket Management System

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Simple Calculator Project In VB.Net

Simple calculator project is a visual basic project for students who are at starting stage of learning vb.net programming language. This project is useful for bca, mca students.

Using this calculator application we can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division ..etc operations.

For full Project source code in Vb.Net 

Monday, 8 April 2013

Online Banking Project Abstract

Online banking system project abstract, project report, source code in asp.net, java, vb.net, php programming languages are available for free download from below link.

Main objective of this project is to provide a user friendly web application for banking system for helping customers to manage their bank details effectively.

Using this site customers can check online money transaction details, account summary, balance enquiry, fund transfer to other banks..etc

For more details on this project and source code visit below link.

Online Banking Project

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Airline Reservation System Project Abstract

Airline reservation system project abstract, source code , project report , paper presentation  for free download.
Main aim of this software web application is to develop a online system for booking airway tickets and make payment through online.
We provide full project source code in java, asp.net, vb and reference material for free download.

Airline Reservation System Project

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Student Information System Project in Asp.Net

Student information system project is a computer science project developed in asp.net programming language using ms access database. This project main idea is to provide a user friendly application for institutions for managing admissions details, students examination information, fees details, marks for every semester along with it faculty details are also managing through this application.

We provide full project source code with project report dfd, e-r diagram, flow chart..etc for free download.

Student Management System Project