Thursday, 28 March 2013

College Voting System Project in Vb.Net

College voting system project is new method for voting for candidates through online. This is alternate method for existing ballot box voting system. This application is developed in programming language. 

Students can find project idea on this topic and download related projects like online voting system project.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Online Clinic Management System Project Source Code

Online clinic management system project source code is developed in php using Mysql database. Main objective of this project is to develop a simple web application which is useful for hospitals and medical clinics for providing online service for patients.

Using this system users can request  slot for doctors appointment and generate separate profile for every patient and through which communication between clinics and patients can be done.

Students can download full project source code in php and project documentation.

Online Clinic Management System Project

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Online Shopping Project In Asp.Net

Online shopping project is a computer science final year project developed in programming language. Main objective of this software script to provide a solution for selling mobile phones through online.

We designed a user friendly website which will consist of all mobile phones from different brands with clear specifications and comparing products of same range.

Download full project source code with project report from below download link.

Online Shopping Project

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Staff Management System Project In

Staff management system project is implemented in programming language. Using this system we can handle different types of tasks included in managing employees salary details inside organization. Before this system was introduced there use to be manual process for managing data and providing salary slips which is time taking process and human resource required is more. 
In order to over come these problems we developed a user friendly graphical interface through which we can manage tax, salary, reports, leave details.

We provide full project source code in,, java with project report.

Download code form below link.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Online Banking System Project in PHP

Online banking system project is implemented in php and mysql. Main aim of this project is to develop a web based software application for banks for computerizing banking works and increase efficiency of work and reduce labour and help uses to transfer money from home.

We provide full project source code with project report and java and, source code.

Download from below link.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Railway Reservation System Project

Railway reservation system project is implemented in programming language using ms access database. Main objective of this project is to develop a software application for railway department for booking tickets online, billing , cancellation of tickets and checking train timings.

Download project report and source code from below link.

Railway Reservation System Project

Friday, 8 March 2013

Employee Payroll System Project

Employee payroll system project is implemented in programming language.Main aim of this project is to develop a software application for organizations for managing different types of tasks like salary, tax, loans, cuttings..etc details.

We provide full project source code with project screen shots, database design.

Employee Payroll System Project

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Student Information System Project in PHP

Student information system project is implemented in php programming language. Main objective of this software script is to provide a computerized solution for colleges for managing students information like marks, attendance, contact details, course details ..etc.

This project is full developed and for free download. This project is useful for final year cse students as mini or major project.

Download full code from below link.

Student Information System Project in PHP